任晓杰,女,讲师,先后发表SCI论文30余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文16篇,包括J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Adv. Sci.、Anal. Chem.、Chem. Commun.(1篇)等国际知名学术期刊。曾获得“国家奖学金”、“校长拔尖奖学金”、“互联网+创新创业大赛全国银奖”等多项荣誉。
电子邮件:[email protected]
[1] Ren Xiaojie, Wang Chao, Wu Xia, Rong Mengtao, Huang Rong, Liang Qin, Shen Tianruo, Sun Hongyan, Zhang Ruilong,* Zhang Zhongping, Liu Xiaogang,* Song Xiangzhi,* Foley James W. Auxochrome dimethyl-dihydroacridine improves fluorophores for prolonged live-cell super-resolution imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(2024) 6566−6579.
[2] Ren Xiaojie, Li Haokun, Peng Hui, Yang Yang, Su Hang, Huang Chen, Xuan Wang, Zhang Jie, Liu Zhiyang, Wei Wenyu, Cheng Ke, Lu Zhenpin, Li Zhengqiu, Zhao Qian, Tang Benzhong, Yao Shao Q.,* Song Xiangzhi,* Sun Hongyan.* Reactivity-tunable fluorescent platform for selective and biocompatible modification of cysteine or lysine. Advanced Science, (2024) e2402838.
[3] Ren Xiaojie, Yang Sheng, Wang Benhua, Yao Chaoyi, Liu Qing,* Song Xiangzhi.* Dimethyl dihydro-phenazine: a highly conjugated auxochrome in fluorophores to improve photostability, red-shift wavelength and enlarge Stokes shift. Analytical Chemistry, 96(2024) 10416–10425.
[4] Ren Xiaojie,† Han Shaohui,† Li Yiling, Zeng Yuyang, Li Haipu, Yao Chaoyi, Yang Lei,* Song Xiangzhi.* Tumor microenvironment-activatable phototheragnostic: leveraging nitric oxide and weak acidity as dual biomarkers for ratiometric fluorescence, photoacoustic imaging, and photothermal therapy. Analytical Chemistry, 96(2024) 8689–8695.
[5] Ren Xiaojie,† Liao Lide,† Yang Zhaoguang, Li Haipu, Li Xi, Wang Yangang,* Ye Yong, Song Xiangzhi.* Rational design of a bifunctional fluorescent probe for distinguishing Hcy/Cys from GSH with ideal properties, Chinese Chemical Letters, 32(2021) 1061-1065.
[6] Ren Xiaojie, Tian Huihui, Yang Lei, He Long, Geng Yani, Liu Xingjiang,* Song Xiangzhi.* Fluorescent probe for simultaneous discrimination of Cys/Hcy and GSH in pure aqueous media with a fast response under a single-wavelength excitation, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 273(2018) 1170-1178.
[7] Huang Chen,† Ren Xiaojie,† Chen Qingxin,† Zhang Jie,* Gan Shenglong, Jiang Yin,* Yang Liu,* Sun Hongyan.* A novel NIR-activatable and photodegradable mitochondria-targeted nano-photosensitizer for superior photodynamic therapy, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 424(2025) 136896.
[8] Han Shaohui, Zeng Yuyang, Li Yiling, Li Haipu, Yang Lei, Ren Xiaojie,* Lan Minhuan,* Wang Benhua, Song Xiangzhi.* Carbon Monoxide: A second biomarker to couple with viscosity for the construction of "dual-locked" near-infrared fluorescent probes for accurately diagnosing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Analytical Chemistry, 95(2023) 18619-18628.
[9] Yang Yitong, Zhong Hao, Wang Benhua, Ren Xiaojie,* Song Xiangzhi.* Coumarin-based two-photon AIE fluorophores: Photophysical properties and biological application, Chinese Chemical Letters, 34(2023) 107674.
[10] Ren Xiaojie,† Zhang Fan,† Luo Hongchen, Liao Lide, Song Xiangzhi,* Chen Wenqiang.* Red-emitting boron difluoride complexes with a mega-large Stokes shift and unexpectedly high fluorescence quantum yield, Chemical Communications, 56(2020) 2159-2162.